19 January, 2010

First Post and Rant

I would like to counter-rant a number of blog posts that i have read lately. And I feel that it is only appropriate that my first blog post is in response to someone else's. So many times I have read over and over again, how great it is to buy lobster tails on the federal dollar. Why bother look for a job when they are so happy living off of the governments' money. The other half of the blogs talk about how everyone on food stamps are un-educated idiots. Well I hate to disappoint you, but I do have a college degree. And I would much rather be working if I was physically able. But that is just not going to happen right now. In the meanwhile, I am looking to EAT HEALTHY MEALS. Not gourmet, not junk food, just regular meals that will last the entire month! And we all know that if you do not have extra money stashed away, which you are not supposed to if you are receiving food stamps, feeding yourself healthy foods does not come cheap. This has not even started to mention those with certain food restrictions. Public assistance does not give you extra money for that. You have to budget even further to make it all work. 

Don't give up all hope just yet! There are some creative ways that it can be done. Some fancy foot-work, so to speak, and you can make your money stretch just far enough to reach your mouth! 

Some places to start you shopping (AKA places that accept food stamps):
Costcos -Although you need a membership to go in ($50), you can split a membership with a friend and do you shopping on the same days. This actually works out really well, since you can then split the two carton of eggs and 4 gallons of milk that you would otherwise not be able to finish by yourself! Great for those staples that you know you are going to need every month.
Trader Joes-Haven't shopped there myself with the card yet. But know that they have a great selection of organic foods. Especially great for anyone with special dietary needs, but might end up paying the price for them.
Whole Foods- Great variety of foods and lots of items that come in bulk. Some items that can be a bit costly.
Key Foods-Normal food store with typical food products. Suprising how expensive food keeps getting day by day. (I would prefer to get bare necessities and vegetables here everything else I can at Costcos).
CSA- Community Supported Agriculture. There are two in NY that I know of right now that accept food stamps. One is in Harlem and the other is in Astoria. There are many other CSAs throughout the NYC area that offer different payment plans or sliding fee scales even if you don't have food stamps but not rich enough to afford the grocery stores organic food prices. For more information go to: http://www.justfood.org/csa

I especially really enjoy the CSA option! Not only am I eating healthy organic vegetables, but the money goes directly to support local organic farmers! Not middle men involved! Healthy food and supporting the local little man/woman! It gets no better than that! If only the growing season was all year round..... hmmm... I will have to figure that one out for my next post!

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